New home buyers may not realize the importance of a builder warranty inspection. Or, if they already have a warranty that the warranty will usually expire within the first year after closing. Getting your home warranty inspection at the end of the one year expiration is your final opportunity to identify and inform your builder of any items that need to be repaired or replaced. Repairs including safety hazards should be documented by a professional home inspector like the knowledgeable inspectors at KEHI before your home builder is relieved of his responsibility to you under the warranty period.

KEHI will work with you as your one year builder warranty is about to expire. Once your home has been inspected we will provide you with a comprehensive report so you have the knowledge and detailed documentation to discuss any problems regarding the quality of materials or workmanship with your home builder. Statistics indicate that an educated homeowner is better equipped at getting the builder to correct or repair any items that are not up to standard.

Home Builder Warranty Inspection Checklist
KEHI offers a full service, top to bottom, builder warranty inspection. The primary goal is to provide a thorough inspection along with a detailed report that will list items that are installed wrong, missing, safety hazards or systems/items that are not performing or operating property.
– Heating and Central Air Conditioning Systems
– Plumbing Connections and Fittings
– Electrical Outlets, Wiring and Panels
– Lighting
– Attic
– Insulation
– Floors
– Windows and Doors
– Drywall, Walls and Ceilings
– Fireplace and Chimneys
– Roofing
– Gutters and Downspouts
– Foundation
– Drainage
– Decks and Wood Structures
– Appliances

Knoxville Engineered Home Inspections woman checking ipad schedulign

Benefits of Home Inspection Before Warranty Expires

  • Your new home may have already been inspected by the city or county but municipal building inspectors are usually under time restraints and are not especially detailed with their inspection protocols. KEHI will take the time to examine all aspects of your home and the mechanisms within it to ensure that everything is in correct working order.
  • As a new home owner you may be under the misguided impression that nothing can go wrong because your home is new. The truth is that many things can go wrong. Some of these might have been obvious during the first couple of months of occupancy, but, there are many hidden defects that the average homeowner doesn’t have the experience or knowledge to find. Statistically, most problems that occur with homes that are up to 10 years old began when the home was new within the first year of occupancy!
  • A home inspection before you closed on your home doesn’t guarantee that the systems will work at optimal performance levels after the first year of ownership. Building materials often expand and contract with weather changes and the new construction will settle. Problems may come to fruition during the first year of occupancy that were not immediately apparent when you first moved into your home.

Why Should I Get a Home Inspection on Such New Construction?

  • Ultimately, the builder is responsible for repairs to your home within the first year of construction
  • The cost of the warranty repairs have already been calculated into the purchase price of your home. In essence, you have already paid for the repairs so it makes sense to take advantage of a builder warranty inspection.
  • The cost of an inspection will be far less than the cost of repairs that you now won’t have to pay out of pocket for in the future!